That Suits me Just Fine – The Thrifty Six

that suits me just fine collage

And then it was my turn to choose a theme. That suits me just fine! So suits.

Welcome to The Thrifty Six. We are a group of international fashion influencers who meet once a month in our little space on the internet to share our thrifty outfits. On the third Monday of every month, we will all share an outfit based on a theme that features pre loved wardrobe pieces. Shopping and reselling pre loved clothing is so much better for the environment and you can find some of the best fashions in thrift or charity shops. The Thrifty Six are here to inspire you to shop second hand.

That suits me just finethat suits me just fine

And why suits? Because I have shown this pre-loved two-piece skirt suit before and I don’t like it. But I love the houndstooth print so I wanted to give it another shot. By styling it with some color and flat boots. That suits me just fine? No, I’m going to sell the skirt suit because it’s just not my thing. But it was fun to try to make it work. I think I will keep the little jacket though! It’s the length of the skirt, not for me. I think my lovely fashion friends will look so much better in their suits!

Emma of Style Splashpre loved skirt suit

I have lots of preloved jackets but I didn’t have any suits, so I instantly started looking on eBay, which is where I found this Marks & Spencer skirt and jacket. It turns out it’s actually quite difficult to find a preloved suit online that’s guaranteed to fit. In the end I managed to buy these separately and matched the pattern by inspecting the photos very closely! It took a bit of research but it paid off in the end!

Grace of Graceful Ragspre loved skirt suit

Since I’m away at college right now, my wardrobe options are very limited – I decided to take this month’s suit theme as the perfect opportunity to try online thrifting for the first time! I snagged this Chanel-esque skirt suit from Poshmark, originally from Anne Taylor, for just $40. The skirt doesn’t fit quite right but the blazer is fab!

Jane of Preloved-Vintage-Handmadeblue pre loved skirt suit

A chance to share my pretty little treasure…

Everything about this suit is perfect, the beautiful indigo colour, the styling, the condition, the quality and the buttons are nothing less than exquisite!

When an eBay search brings up a vintage treasure like this, you just buy it and you buy it quick!

It’s a true vintage, 100% wool, French designer piece and I paid under £5 for it – such a shame it doesn’t fit…

It’s just a little too tight to wear to the office but not too tight for a quick photo shoot.  So when the Thrifty Six chose suits as the style focus for February, I was absolutely delighted!

At last, a chance to share my pretty little treasure!

Lucy of Confessions of a Montreal Styling Divathat suits me just fine

“I found this gem of a suit in the tiniest of shop holes in Old Montreal, maybe ten years ago? Never went back…life .   I just happened to be in that part of town for a show later that evening.  I’ve been told that the place doesn’t exist anymore- all I know is that I fell upon it by accident.  The period hats in the window caught my attention, and I just had to walk in.  Lo and behold, there she was, bold and beautiful.  I had to have her.  As I checked the seams to see if there was any room for alterations if needed, I saw the label hanging by a thread:  Dolce & Gabbana. She was mine forever, all 20$ worth.  Looking just a bit lonely and tired, aged like perfect wine- all she really needed was a little pampering: Dry cleaning and minor alterations- Boom!”

Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edgepre loved skirt suit

When Nancy announced the theme, I realized that I did not own any suits at all, thrifted or not. We live in an era where casual is what we do best and I have long since rid my closet of suits. But I will use any excuse to go on a thrifting adventure, so off I went to look for suits and I came home with 3 different ones. This vintage Jones New York suit was just $10. I loved the pleated skirt so much which I imagine I will wear more often than the blazer. But the color was a selling point for me as well. It is an interesting shade of olivey taupe and I just love it paired with black and red.

That’s it for this month! We hope we can inspire you to buy and wear pre loved!

Would really appreciate it if you would share my photos on Pinterest.

Share your outfit with #nancysfashionstyle and be featured on fancy Friday night!


The Thrifty Six


Would really appreciate it if you would share my photos on Pinterest.

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  1. 15 February 2021 / 04:21

    What a fun skirt suit! It’s nice you were able to use the theme to give the skirt a last wear even if you won’t be keeping it!

    Hope you had a good weekend and that your week is off to a nice start 🙂

    • nancy
      15 February 2021 / 12:24

      Yes indeed, Have a great week Mica!

  2. 15 February 2021 / 11:08

    These all look so great!! What a fun collaboration!!

    • nancy
      15 February 2021 / 12:21

      Thanks Ella! We like it a lot too!

  3. Joanne
    15 February 2021 / 12:16

    What a fun collection of suits!

    • nancy
      15 February 2021 / 12:20

      Thanks Joanne!

  4. 15 February 2021 / 12:57

    Nancy, I really love this suit on you even the cute flirty skirt! But if you are not comfortable in it, then don’t let it take up anymore closet space! That jacket will be super cute though styled in a bunch of different ways! Fun theme this month, my friend! I think it might be my turn to pick again. I can’t believe we have already gone 6 months with this fabulous group!


    • nancy
      15 February 2021 / 13:50

      Haha, yes time flies! And this is such a joy full group! Just love it!

  5. 15 February 2021 / 13:02

    I can NEVER find nice outfits like these at thrift stores. I love in retirement city and the only place to go to get anything up to date is Plato’s. And that’s a little too young for my taste! So off to Poshmark I go!

    • nancy
      15 February 2021 / 13:45

      And online? I buy most of my pre loved stuff on line!

  6. 15 February 2021 / 13:27

    I just love seeing all of you lovely ladies collaborating to share your style! It is so much fun!

    • nancy
      15 February 2021 / 13:45

      Thank you very much Abby!

    • nancy
      16 February 2021 / 11:17

      Thank you very much Kathrine!

  7. 15 February 2021 / 19:02

    Nancy, you look super cute in the mini-skirt! But I get where you’re coming from. I won’t wear skirts if I think they feel too short too. If I were you, I would definitely keep the jacket though. I love the short sleeves, it’s so unusual. You look absolutely gorgeous! Oh, and I’ve always loved hounds tooth too!
    Suzy xx

    • nancy
      16 February 2021 / 11:16

      Yes I keep the jacket, I know I will regret it if I would sell it! Thanks Suzy!

  8. 15 February 2021 / 19:24

    Your houndstooth skirt suit is very cute, but I’m hearing you that it’s not your thing. I’d do exactly the same thing and keep the jacket, though. I also love that frilly blouse you’ve styled it with! xxx

    • nancy
      16 February 2021 / 11:15

      Yes I will keep the jacket, and that blouse is lovely isn’t it. I love ruffled blouses.

  9. jodie filogomo
    15 February 2021 / 23:03

    I love the hounds tooth pattern too Nancy. When I have a skirt that feels too short, I tend to wear it with my OTK boots. For some reason, I feel more covered that way!!! Or leggings. Or tights!! Or layer it over a longer skirt or dress. Obviously I have a lot of short skirts, haha!!!

    • nancy
      16 February 2021 / 11:14

      Over the knee boots would work but I haven’t got any black ones. I will try some of your suggestions!

    • nancy
      16 February 2021 / 11:12

      Thanks Anna!

  10. 16 February 2021 / 02:30

    Well, no matter what you say- I still think you look dang cute in it!!! Love it!

    • nancy
      16 February 2021 / 11:12

      Oh thanks Lucy!

  11. 16 February 2021 / 17:58

    Personally, I love this set! I think it’s so fun. But it is on the shorter side, so I understand your sentiments. Fun theme Nancy!!

    Miles of smiles,

    • nancy
      17 February 2021 / 12:29

      Thank you very much Grace!

  12. 16 February 2021 / 22:11

    You all are SO good at thrift shopping! I bought a vintage dress on Etsy and it’s really nice, but it’s too big!! I think it will cost a lot to have it altered but I am stuck with it. Ugh. I’ll have to get better at this. Our local thrift shops are just full of junk and not even open during the pandemic. Well done!

    xx Darlene

    • nancy
      17 February 2021 / 12:27

      Our thrift stores too, nothing interesting there. Thanks Darlene!

  13. 18 February 2021 / 17:56

    I was so inspired, I wore my own suit yesterday! I love seeing all these variations, especially Lucy’s gorgeous D&G suit. I can see why you would move along that suit, though, Nancy – it’s not really you, is it? I find that style of cropped jacket not flattering on me at all.

    • nancy
      19 February 2021 / 11:36

      No it’s totally not me. Your suit is so gorgeous! What a elegant style!

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