Linkup parties are fun!

Every Friday I host Fancy Friday linkup parties on my blog. This is a fun way to promote your blog or yourself and get to know other bloggers. You don’t have to be a blogger to participate, everyone with an interest for fashion, or if you have something else interesting to share, can join. You just click on the button at the bottom of the Friday post and linkup a picture.

In the past years linkup parties are less popular, because of all the work it takes to create them. But I am still enjoying to host my linkup party. That means if you all join them. Because without any other bloggers I can’t do it of course!

Support other bloggers at the linkup parties

It would be very nice to visit other bloggers and take a look at their blog too. It is also appreciated to leave a comment. Every week I feature a Fancy Friday Favorite on the blog and in my Pinterest Fancy Friday Favorite board.

You can use the code under the button to copy and paste on your blog to show your support. I would appreciate that!

Hope to see you at my Fancy Friday linkup party!

Nancy's Fashion Style

Have a great day!
