How are You? Can you still stay Positive?


Today I give you an update about life here in the Netherlands in recent months and specifically, life in our house. Just want to chat a bit. And of course I want to know how you are doing! Can you still stay positive?

So I actually decided by the end February that I would start again with the Sentence a Day series. Because I really like to read that at other blogs and also fun to write myself. Anyway, that doesn’t really make much sense now. Because you would get to read the same every day. So I postpone that until life has become a bit more normal again.

I can still stay positive

Since March 14 I am in isolation myself. A week later, our government decided that everyone, who could, should work at home, and the rules were tightened. This led to many people needing to investigate how to get better wifi so that they could do their jobs effectively online from home. Gerben still had to work and that was very stressful. We lost a good acquaintance to Corona in the second week. Very very sad. He was recovering from pneumonia but did not make it. The funeral was very small, while he was a very social man with many friends. Very sad, he was so full of life.

Gerben took care leave at the end of March. It’s too dangerous for me if he keeps on working. And he went to work every day with lead in his shoes. Often he also met people who did not take the distance rule into account at all and said: oh well it is just a flu. Yeah, say that again when you have a partner at home with a serious lung disease. We had a two week holiday at the end of April and Gerben has put forward a few days so that he can now stay at home for a month. That saves a lot of stress because we were both afraid that I would get it. I most probably would not survive Corona.

With a bit more time on my hands, I read a lot in our garden. Even though it was only 10 degrees celcius. But the sun is warm enough. This week it will be warm enough to give my arms and legs a tint! And I am trying out a lot of recipes. I think I will gain a few pounds. I do my best to stay positive. Because if I don’t, I know I can feel very down and I don’t allow that to happen! It’s a mindset, that’s all.

How are you doing?

And now let’s see how this year will continue. The festivals will be cancelled, so are holidays, weekend trips. More important, of course, is how the economy will behave and all entrepreneurs who are having a very difficult time. But the most important thing is of course that we all come out healthy and then we will see further.

How is life with you? Can you still remain positive? Or are you already a bit dejected by the fact that you do not see friends and family. Or are you going crazy with your partner who you may see a lot now, I just gave Gerben a huge list of chores. And believe me, by the time that list is almost done, I’ll really come up with new chores! I know I am not the only one who does that…….am I……

Stay safe my dear friends!

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  1. Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
    14th April 2020 / 05:18

    Don’ask ?it’ s difficult. Stay healthy and take care Nancy. ❤️

    • nancy
      14th April 2020 / 09:22

      I can imagine that! Because you work in health care! A big applause for you Tina!

  2. 14th April 2020 / 09:24

    I’m so glad to hear that you’re coping, Nancy, and that Gerben is able to stay at home with you. It must be such a worry for you, with your illness 🙁
    Michael and I are fine. We have been staying for about a month now – only going shopping when we need to. We also do the shopping for my dad who lives in the countryside about half an hour away and he doesn’t have a car. Portugal is doing better than some other countries and we believe the government is doing a good job of keeping us safe. I haven’t gotten mad at Michael yet lol. He’s been pretty good actually. But I do think we’ve put on weight lol. We have baked several cakes already!!
    Anyway, stay safe my friend.
    Big hugs
    Suzy xxx

    • nancy
      15th April 2020 / 09:42

      Haha, yes I know! I do a lot more baking now! Oh how nice that you’re dad lives in Portugal too! I am glad you are doing just fine!

  3. 14th April 2020 / 09:28

    What a difficult situation… Gerben having to work and you having a serious lung condition…the uncertainty of not knowing if he picked up something at work or on the way! Things will get better!
    Stay safe…lots of love

    • nancy
      15th April 2020 / 09:41

      Yes it was but now we are more relaxed because he is at home in April! Thanks Yvonne!

  4. 14th April 2020 / 13:28

    Glad you are staying home, staying safe, and staying positive.

    • nancy
      15th April 2020 / 09:39

      Thanks Kellyann!

  5. 14th April 2020 / 13:31

    So glad it was possible for Gerben to stay home. We are doing well here with my husband being to work from home. I am getting used to him being home every night (he usually travels Tue to Fri) and for me life hasn’t changed too much since I was home most of the time before this. The first two week were the hardest but now going on week 5, we are used to how our life is for right now. And the weather is pretty so… that is a big help!

    • nancy
      15th April 2020 / 09:39

      Yes I agree that the weather is a big help! I love to sit outside in the garden.

  6. 14th April 2020 / 14:13

    What a relief it must have been for both of you that Gerben can be at home for a month. I know that in your case, you have to be extra careful. It’s a good thing we’ve been having nice weather, so that at least we can go out into our gardens. I wouldn’t know what to do if I didn’t have a green space. So sorry to hear about your friend, that’s so very sad. Staying positive and follow the rules is all we can do really. And hope that others are doing the same. Sending you a huge virtual hug and hope that once this is all over we can some day meet in real life. Take care xxx

    • nancy
      15th April 2020 / 09:38

      Thanks Ann. I have a feeling that perhaps somewhere in October it all will be a bit normal. I think this summer will be the most boring one of all. But whenever I have these thoughts, I think, most important is to come out of this healthy!

  7. jodie filogomo
    15th April 2020 / 00:42

    I have to admit that some days are better than others. When we are at home, it’s fine. But it’s really depressing to go to the store and see empty shelves.
    Here’s to brighter days, and lots of hugs Nancy,

    • nancy
      15th April 2020 / 09:36

      Thanks Jodie, I could use some hugs. We don’t have any problems with groceries as we let it all deliver at home. But I miss my social contacts.

  8. 15th April 2020 / 10:04

    Well done on staying so upbeat Nancy, many of us are very fortunate in our circumstances but for those with a serious health condition it must be very frightening. Glad that you and Gerben are safe and well. Keep looking forward to our Sept meet up!

    • nancy
      15th April 2020 / 11:38

      Well if September goes through! I do hope so!

  9. 15th April 2020 / 15:50

    I’m so sorry to hear about your friend Nancy. I’m glad to hear that you and Gerben are able to stay shielded at home, you really can’t take any chances. Stay safe xxx


    • nancy
      16th April 2020 / 12:00

      Thank you very much Emma!

  10. 17th April 2020 / 01:01

    I’m so sorry to hear that you lost a friend to COVID, Nancy. I’m afraid that it will touch everyone, globally, before things are “normal” again. I am doing okay, trying to stay positive, and remembering that the only thing I can control is myself. I do worry about my friend Karen, as she has been diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer, which is in her lungs, spine/bones and brain. We have been able to see her from a distance (balcony), and talk on Zoom, but it’s so rough on her and her partner, as he is not even allowed to go with her to the hospital for her radiation treatments. It is so hard to face losing such a good and close friend.

    I am really happy that Gerben was able to take leave! That is awesome. I love seeing your kitty hiding in his house! Enjoy the sunshine, my dear!

    • nancy
      17th April 2020 / 12:07

      Oh that is heart breaking Sheila, about Karen. Gosh, I can’t imagine the suffering they both have to go threw right now. I am not religious, but I will say a prayer for them tonight.

  11. 17th April 2020 / 16:00

    Remaining positive is becoming a bit harder for me as the weeks pass by, but I still manage to get through. Some days are better than others, of course. I am so glad that Gerben was able to take a leave from work and that you are staying isolated and safe, my friend. And your garden looks like a beautiful peaceful retreat to escape for the day and get some sunshine and fresh air. It is snowing like crazy here right now and I am always so, so cold. So if the weather would actually turn to spring, it would help my mood very much!


    • nancy
      20th April 2020 / 09:38

      Is it still snowing over there? Wow, you must be getting really tired of the cold! I send some sunshine over to you!

  12. 17th April 2020 / 17:11

    Hope Gerben can work from home to keep you safe rather than just having to take holiday or days off from work. Not sure what he does but I know you can’t afford the risk of him having to go into public where some people are so careless and thoughtless.

    I have good days toward the beginning of each week but as the weekend approaches and with it the days that we would normally shop, take in a movie or go out to eat, I get down in the dumps. So it has been a roller coaster for me. We can’t see our grandchildren or children, either, and that is hard. Not impossible as we are surviving their absence but just not much fun.

    I must get dressed in street clothes more often next week. Even if it is only to dive into spring cleaning. I have become too comfortable in yoga pants and tee shirts.

    Stay well, my friend. Thinking of you across the miles. Sending up prayers for your continued health.

    • nancy
      20th April 2020 / 09:36

      Thank you very much Leslie. Gerben can’t work from home.And he will be starting again next week but under restrictions.

  13. 18th April 2020 / 01:13

    ik hoop toch dat het snel voorbij is, want ik ben er aardig klaar mee. Hier zijn ze nu gelukkig begonnen met de lockdown te versoepelen, maar hij was heel streng. we mogen helemaal niet buiten komen.

    Stay safe!

    • nancy
      20th April 2020 / 09:32

      In Belgie? Ja ik ben er ook wel klaar mee hoor. En het is nog maar de vraag wanneer de wereld echt weer helemaal ,,normaal,, zal zijn he. Maar belangrijkste is dat we gezond blijven!

  14. 20th April 2020 / 18:45

    I have been thinking of you since Corona virus made its appearance. I’m so glad Gerben can stay home for the time being.

    My husband and I are retired introverts, so our daily life isn’t much different, except that we are home even more than we were before. We truly enjoy one another’s company and are both pretty easy-going.

    All non-essential businesses have been shut down and that is an economic hardship for many. America’s safety net is poor in the best of times, and although the government is trying to provide relief for this extraordinary circumstance, it is slow and doesn’t seem to be enough. And we have some very dark forces in this country agitating people into having demonstrations about their right to freedom, referring to the lockdown as imprisonment. And there are some who regard the economy as more important than people’s lives. Our idiot president riles up this segment with his rush to “reopen the economy.” In some places like New York City hospitals have been overwhelmed and they do not have enough equipment like ventilators. It’s a truly ugly situation.

    But Dan (my husband) and I are doing well, and remaining positive. And there are many stories of people being kind and caring, so I am trying to focus on these.


    Overall, we are staying positive.

    • nancy
      21st April 2020 / 09:03

      Glad to read you are just fine. Gerben and I enjoy also our time together. Doing both our own thing in and around house, but we feel blessed that we like each other’s company so much. I saw the demonstrations on the telly and thought, that must be a movie! That can’t be for real! Unbelievable. And Trump? Oh sigh….

  15. 20th April 2020 / 18:54

    And I’m so sorry about the loss of your friend to this vile illness!

    • nancy
      21st April 2020 / 08:58

      THanks Michelle, appreciate it!

  16. 22nd April 2020 / 16:11

    Your garden and backyard area is lovely and I should take my reclining chair out to our yard.
    I am struggling a bit, as the pain is quite higher from not being able to get treatment. Thinking of you in this time too , wth your condition.
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

    • nancy
      23rd April 2020 / 11:18

      Yes that is awful. Isn’t there any way you can get your treatment? With masks and gloves? I guess not otherwise you would have done it by now. I hope you can get your therapy real soon!

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