Berlook swimwear! Get ready for sunshine!

swimwear by Berlook

Is it time to pick out some new swimwear? If only it were warm enough for that. Well, of course you can have a look at the latest swimwear collections and buy them now before the ones you like are sold out(story of my life). I always pay far too little attention to my swimwear. I actually only wear it in my own garden. So I usually wear a bikini that has faded colour or has no shape left in it. Well, I don’t swim in it either. It’s more like paddling. So how great is it if you can choose a beautiful bikini for a collaboration. It was more then welcome.

A love/hate relation with swimwear

burgundy bikini and cover-up

By the way, I never wear a swimsuit, never have. I think a bikini is much nicer. Although……I often lie in the sun in my bikini and read a book when the weather is nice. I find that really relaxing. If I get too hot, I go into the pool (inflatable) so I can last all afternoon. But because I read on a lounger and am not stretched out when I do so(just for the imaging) I get those stripes on my stomach. I find that so ugly. I think the print of the bikini is ugly, but with those stripes added it doesn’t look good at all. Maybe I have to lie a little more stretched out every now and then……

But what a beautiful bikini this is! Isn’t it a beautiful colour? I choose burgundy because I always pick black of course. And I love burgundy with pink. And I also have a pink blouse that I can wear over it if I want to cover up myself a bit more. But if I had wanted a black bikini I would have chosen this one with lurex!

Not a black bikini, there is a surprise


The temptation was huge I must say. But of course I can always order the lurex one too, why limit yourself with just one bikini! But about this bikini. What I really like is that you can tie the top at the back as tightly as you want. And I never choose a halter top because it hurts in the neck after a few hours. The bikini bottom is  a very good one. Not cut too high because I don’t like that on myself. And it also stays in place well.

I usually have those bikini bottoms that turn into a string after a hour…..not intentionally, or slide to one side, or it looks like you’re wearing a diaper… yes, I already said that I usually don’t look charming in swimwear. But that is now going to change! And I also received a nice cover up in the same colour, so I can switch the pink for this one too.


Berlook adopts 100% natural or recyclable fabric for every timeless piece in their swimwear and ready-to wear collection. That’s a plus or almost a must I have to say, very good! They also have a huge choice for swimwear and active wear, so I suggest you have a look at their site!

Will I finally be able to sunbathe in style in my garden this summer? Have you already bought some new swimwear?

burgundy bikini

I would really appreciate it if you would share my post!


  1. Joanne
    31 January 2024 / 17:27

    That is a lovely bikini! I tend to pick shades of blue and green for all my swimwear… and apparently I now have like 6 or so sets! I so rarely wear them but I did bring 4 different ones on our cruise just so I could feel like I do get SOME use out of them!

    • nancy
      1 February 2024 / 11:13

      But did you wear them on the cruise?

  2. 31 January 2024 / 19:24

    Some gorgeous swimwear here, Nancy, although I’m more of a swimsuit girl rather than a bikini one myself!

    • nancy
      1 February 2024 / 11:12

      Thanks Ann!

  3. 31 January 2024 / 22:26

    I remember wearing string bikinis once upon A time. But I’m afraid those days are gone. Nowadays I prefer a one piece that has a little skirt. I like to swim and need something that I don’t have to worry about while I’m swimming. Working on my bathing suit figure right now. Big job!

    • nancy
      1 February 2024 / 11:11

      Haha, good luck! I am sure you look great in a bathing suit!

  4. Caroline
    31 January 2024 / 22:33

    That bikini is really cute! I wear both, it really just depends on how I am feeling. We have a lot of beautiful swimsuits and cover ups where I work that definitely make me wish that I was at a tropical place. Thank you for sharing and I hope that you are having a good week so far!

    • nancy
      1 February 2024 / 11:10

      Yes I can imagine that! What shop do you work?

  5. 1 February 2024 / 05:34

    This bikini set is just beautiful, Nancy! You will certainly look lovely in your garden this summer! I have two bathing suits that don’t fit right now, but I also don’t have a pool to swim in anymore!

    Have a wonderful week!

    • nancy
      1 February 2024 / 11:10

      Well, I can’t swim in it either…

  6. 7 February 2024 / 23:29

    Hi, Nancy – I am a lifelong swimmer so I have always collected a new swimsuit every year. They have to be serious, though, for swimming in — with good support, coverage and that won’t be falling off at all. I am now looking for a one-shoulder swimsuit. Thanks for the reminder that it’s a good time to look forward to buying new swim wear! – Angie,

    • nancy
      8 February 2024 / 11:07

      A one shoulder swimsuit sounds very elegant! Thanks Angie!

  7. 18 February 2024 / 15:28

    Love the pretty color Nancy! I have a tankini from last year that I love, may go for a bikini this year just because why not!!! Ha!!

    • nancy
      22 February 2024 / 13:40

      Indeed, why not! However, a tankini is very nice too.

  8. 24 February 2024 / 15:31

    What a gorgeous bikini! I love the color. Thanks for linking up with Ageless Style

    • nancy
      26 February 2024 / 10:22

      Thank you Amy!

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