Rye-feeling I belong there & Fancy Friday linkup

The beach in Rye

We have just returned from a few relaxing days in Rye. As many of you may know, we have been going to England since 2002. Since I can no longer fly even several times a year. We usually go to Sussex or Hampshire, but Somerset also has our preference.

Last week was the only week that Gerben could get some time of his work.  And what a great weather we had. Unbelievable for February. We spend all of our days outside!

What means Rye for me

I have to say very honestly that I can imagine that this post is not at all interesting for you. I mean, the photos get me back to the UK, but they are not spectacular for you. But you should know that I would like to live there. As soon as we get off the boat I am bouncing in the car and the only thing I can say for the first five minutes is: finally home, finally home, my beloved England etc. etc. Every time again! So this post is more for myself, to remind me how wonderful it was. Haha, do not drop out now!

We left early on Sunday. Because it is four hours drive to the boat and because it would be busy in Calais that day. Well we drove half an hour shorter and we could even take a boat earlier. In England we first drove past Dymchurch. There, a young woman from Arnhem (Arnhem is a town in the Netherlands where I was born and live near) has a fish & chips shop and we had a small gift for her. Then we drove to Rye to Glencoe Farm. A fabulous B&B. Bert and Carol are such hospitable people and the environment is beautiful. And Bert has great stories to tell. I now know a lot more about Paul McCartney!!

What did we do in Rye

We did not do anything special, at least not something new. We sat on the beach, went to Leeds castle and enjoyed the gardens there, shopped in Lewes where I, yes, bought a DvF dress in the right size! And a very special ring in an antique shop. We went to the rare breed center, we were the only ones without children, but we just like it there. And we have enjoyed scallops in The Standard inn. A great pub in Rye.

We had a fantastic time and I can’t wait to visit the UK again! Hopefully I can meet up with some British bloggers again then!


My favorite of last week is: Alicia of BetweenthePearls

Fancy Friday favorite

And now it’s time to start the Fancy Friday linkup party!

Every Friday you can show yourself and meet other bloggers. Even if you’re not a blogger you can join! You can also grab a button to support my linkup party if you like. I  would appreciate it very much! Copy and paste the code under my button.

Nancy's Fashion Style

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  1. 8 March 2019 / 04:43

    That looks like loads of fun, Nancy! I have been to England once and loved it, but it’s much farther from the west coast of Canada! I love your enthusiasm in all your pictures! You are living life to its fullest.

    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:28

      Thanks Sheila, I try!

  2. 8 March 2019 / 07:01

    Nothing beats a quick getaway to break up the long winter season. Your pictures from the trip are awesome, especially the ones from the rare breed centre. They’re just such little cuties. Hope you have a great weekend.


    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:28

      Thanks Jackie, aren’t they just the cutest? Happy weekend love.

  3. 8 March 2019 / 08:19

    I hope you make it home permanently Nancy. I know what you mean about that feeling. It looks like a really lovely relaxed time xx

    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:27

      I wish I could Laurie! I feel homesick already!

    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:26

      Thank you very much love!

  4. 8 March 2019 / 09:11

    Wow Nancy, you have been blessed with the best weather and I am so happy for you. Leeds castle is stunning, right?! I have visited it once too and do remember that I was in awe with the castle and the gardens. Like you I am always so very happy when I am in the UK. The people are just so friendly and the countryside is so beautiful.

    I had a bit of Britain last week too by the way. I was on Fuerteventura and booked an apartment in a town that was more British than Spanish. We also did some walks there that reminded us of our many coastal walks in England, just with really, really warm and sunny weather and warm sea water. A nice surprise! Have a great weekend! Love, Lieske

    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:26

      Oh yes, I totally forgot that you were on Fuerteventura! Warm seawater sounds perfect. I can remember that when we went to Lanzarote, I always find the water very cold. Sounds like you had a great time too!

  5. 8 March 2019 / 10:34

    I loved you pics Nancy. It’s funny, my Dutch friend (Goes) says that about Guernsey and Scotland, it feels like coming home!
    I love that whole area. We have a house a few miles from Rye and on a good year go there many times. We’ll be there next month, shame about the timing, we could have met up. Please give me heads up next time you’re planning a trip.h
    Hugs, Mary.

    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:24

      Oh really? In wich town? It would be fantastic to meet you! I hope we can go in May again. Don’t you also just love Rye? But I also love Hastings……lol.

  6. 8 March 2019 / 10:36

    i’m glad you were able to getaway and have great weather! Looks like a lot of fun!

    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:22

      Thanks Kellyann!

  7. 8 March 2019 / 12:29

    It looks like you had a great time. That looks like such a cute quaint little town, I can see why you’d want to live there.

    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:22

      It is very nice there but it’s also the total British vibe that we love!

    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:21

      Thanks Kathrine!

    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:21

      Oh we felt so very relaxed there, and the weather was fantastic, that helped a lot too!

  8. 8 March 2019 / 13:53

    I’m so glad you enjoyed yourself, Nancy. Somehow, I missed the explanation of your disease, I didn’t realize you were on oxygen and have a bad lung. I’m so glad you are managing and have a supportive partner. God Bless!

    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:20

      Thanks Kim. Two bad lungs! haha, sorry. Thanks love!

  9. 8 March 2019 / 14:12

    I love the photographs of your trip. You look really happy to be there! You were so lucky with the weather as it was glorious last week – and back to cold, grey skies this week.

    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:19

      Yes indeed boring weather now!

  10. 8 March 2019 / 15:26

    Looks like so much fun and so much beauty! You’re so fortunate you don’t get the snow we get in the US.

    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:19

      We havn’t hardly seen any snow this winter over here. We got very lucky!

  11. 8 March 2019 / 15:28

    I’ve never been to Rye, so I was fascinated to see what the sights worth seeing were! I really do love exploring the UK, and finding little hidden places. You can travel only a few miles sometimes to find yourself in a different world completely. That’s the beauty of it I suppose! I’m glad you’re such a fan 😉

    Love the outfit for afternoon tea by the way, with the sweater over the shirt and tie. xx

    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:18

      That outfit will soon be on the blog. If you are ever in Sussex you should visit Rye or Lewes. Both town are full of antique shops!

  12. jodie filogomo
    8 March 2019 / 15:28

    How wonderful to go visit where you feel like you truly belong. Is there no way you could ever move there??
    Thanks for sharing these fabulous photos!!

    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:17

      With Brexit going on?? No Jodie, that is not going to happen! Lol. Actually no lol!

    • nancy
      8 March 2019 / 16:16

      Oh yes you are! Can you believe it! The best week we could choose! Hopefully we can go in May again. I want to go now! Hahaha

  13. 8 March 2019 / 16:17

    Nancy, I love England! When I was a child, for some reason, I always dreamed of going there. My mother was of English decent. In 2012 my hubby took me there for our 25th wedding anniversary. He had an uncle who lived in London. What a wonderful host he was, (he passed away a few short years later). Since my hubby had been to England on several previous occasions, he wanted this trip to be something of a blend of things he was familiar with and new places we could discover together. I loved it all and I really want to go back. A fish fry along the fishing docks and a train ride out of Whitby were probably my two most favorite memories. I love the English country side, the gardens. tea time, meat pies, and the history of it all. I am dreaming of a return trip. I can understand why you get excited about it. Glad you were able to go and have a good time. – Amy

  14. 8 March 2019 / 16:23

    I enjoyed seeing your trip through pictures very much! Love all the animals and gardens. I’ve always wanted to do a garden tour of England. Maybe someday. And then *I* will make YOU look at MY pictures! Ha ha 🙂

    What is the thrill of reading blogs anyway? It’s about getting a sneak peek into other people’s lives – their homes, their clothes, their travels, their food, their kids!


  15. 8 March 2019 / 16:27

    I loved this! Awesome travel post. And thanks for taking pictures of the food! I ADORE seeing food, lol!

    • nancy
      9 March 2019 / 11:53

      Thanks Rama!

    • nancy
      9 March 2019 / 11:52

      Unbelievable right! Almost 20 degrees, and only in that week!

    • nancy
      9 March 2019 / 11:52

      Thanks Elise!

  16. 8 March 2019 / 17:31

    This trip looks wonderful! I have never been to England, so it is on my list. I enjoyed the pictures and how nice it was for you! Wonderful experience, food and my favorite , having tea! Glad you had a good time and got a DVF dress to boot!
    jess xx

    • nancy
      9 March 2019 / 11:51

      Yes what a coincidence that she had my size right!

  17. 8 March 2019 / 17:41

    Looks like a lot of fun Nancy. My husband is from England, Yorkshire to be exact and I love going there as well.

    • nancy
      9 March 2019 / 11:51

      Ah Yorkshire is so beautiful!

  18. 8 March 2019 / 19:59

    Ok, that sticky coffee pudding is calling my name! 🙂 Looks like you had a great time!


    • nancy
      9 March 2019 / 11:50

      Oh you should have tasted it! The best!

  19. 8 March 2019 / 20:03

    I love Rye! Haven’t been there for years, though. Maybe I should make a short trip over there soon … Lovely to see your photos of beautiful England, and how lucky you were with the weather! xxx

    • nancy
      9 March 2019 / 11:47

      Oh you should Ann! How long do you have to drive to Calais?

  20. 8 March 2019 / 20:19

    It looks like you had a great trip with beautiful weather (it’s been miserable here in California, so I’m very jealous)! I love the countryside and the smaller towns in England—they’re just so charming!
    Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net

    • nancy
      9 March 2019 / 11:46

      They are very charming. And they’re is always a fabulous pub with great food.

  21. 8 March 2019 / 21:10


    I really enjoy travel posts because you may go to places I will never have a chance to see.
    After you posted about the Leeds castle I had to read up on it.
    I love castles and can’t believe its 900 years old!

    Lucky you had lovely weather to visit Rye!

    • nancy
      9 March 2019 / 11:44

      And they are renovating it now. But the garden has are also very impressive!

    • nancy
      9 March 2019 / 11:43

      It is, very relaxing!

  22. 8 March 2019 / 22:33

    It sounds like you had a great getaway Nancy! I am so glad to hear that and that’s amazing you found an antique ring for only 1 pound. Yay! Btw, that sticky toffee dessert looked delicious, not to mention the scallops! Take me with you next time! Happy Friday and wishing you a beautiful weekend ahead!

    Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com

    • nancy
      9 March 2019 / 11:43

      Ha ha,that would be fun!

    • nancy
      9 March 2019 / 11:42

      I totally agree!

  23. 9 March 2019 / 03:57

    Nancy, I love this post! You obviously had such a great time. And it’s very interesting to me to hear about the Netherlands and the UK. We’ve been to London and Edinborough but want to see so much more! We are scheduled on a cruise from Amsterdam to many parts of the UK in July and can’t wait! I’ll be bouncing with joy like you! Well, maybe not QUITE as much as you, my happy friend!! Lol!

    Happy travels,
    xx Darlene

    • nancy
      9 March 2019 / 11:41

      Oh really? Are you stopping in Amsterdam?

  24. 9 March 2019 / 07:40

    I grew up on Rye. I had all of my schooling there and my mother is still living there so I make frequent visits. Thank you for loving my hometown.

    • nancy
      9 March 2019 / 11:39

      Oh next time we should meet in Rye!

  25. 9 March 2019 / 10:12

    Nancy I love Rye too I used to collect Rye pottery it’s lovely x

    • nancy
      9 March 2019 / 11:38

      Oh how nice! And they have fabulous pubs there.

  26. Sonja
    9 March 2019 / 18:19

    Amazing trip Nancy! I love the UK also very much. I want to go there soon.

    • nancy
      10 March 2019 / 10:06

      You really should Sonja!

    • nancy
      10 March 2019 / 10:06

      Haha, would t that be great!

  27. 9 March 2019 / 21:18

    It looks like you had a wonderful time! That sticky toffee pudding has me drooling! I absolutely adore that dessert!

    • nancy
      10 March 2019 / 10:06

      I do now too! Thanks Laura!

  28. 10 March 2019 / 00:51

    Nancy I am so glad that you were able to visit Rye. The Leeds castle is just magnificent, especially the Japanese garden. I understand how it feels to have traveling be such a limited thing. I am in a similar situation so I really can relate. But I am so glad that you were able to visit this magnificent place and enjoy yourself so much. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful photos.

    • nancy
      10 March 2019 / 10:05

      Yes it is. But we both don t let is be Limoges by out disease don t we! We Just enjoy things on a different level!

  29. Nailil
    10 March 2019 / 05:36

    Seems like you had a great time. It’s always so nice to be able to getaway.


    • nancy
      10 March 2019 / 10:04

      It is. It is very relaxing.

  30. 10 March 2019 / 09:44

    I love reading about your trips to England, you seem to visit all the places I’ve never been! Rye for one. You were so lucky with the weather- it’s back to normal now. Thanks for joining #WowOnWednesday Nancy!

    • nancy
      10 March 2019 / 10:04

      Oh you should visit Rye! It is such a lovely and beautiful place. With lots of lovely antique shops and fantastic pubs!

  31. 10 March 2019 / 20:45

    Looks like such a beautiful place! I would absolutely love to visit one day!

    • nancy
      11 March 2019 / 09:51

      It is! Thanks Suzanne!

    • nancy
      11 March 2019 / 09:50

      Thanks Amber!

    • nancy
      11 March 2019 / 09:50

      Never been there Gemma? It’s lovely. Thanks!

    • nancy
      12 March 2019 / 11:42


  32. 12 March 2019 / 14:50

    Looks like a lot of fun here Nancy. I would love to visit.

    Thanks for sharing last week with us at The Weekend Blog Hop with us. Hope you can join us tomorrow.

    • nancy
      13 March 2019 / 10:55

      Never been there Claire? It’is so lovely, but then again that goes for so many English villages!

  33. 12 March 2019 / 18:29

    Have travelled through Rye many times en route to Hastings (family live there) but have only ever visited Rye once – years ago. So pleased you enjoyed your time there, maybe a meet up next time you are over?? Thanks for hosting the linkup. Jacqui Mummabstylish

    • nancy
      13 March 2019 / 10:54

      Oh my, Yes Jacqui! Let’s meet up in Rye or Hastings! I actually love Hastings too! By the time we know when we will be there again I will be writing it in a post as I have a few other bloggers that would love to meet up!

    • nancy
      14 March 2019 / 11:50

      Yeah, unbelievable right! Thanks Emma!

  34. 17 March 2019 / 23:16

    Looks like a lovely trip! Visiting you from the blended blog link up. laurensparks.net

    • nancy
      18 March 2019 / 12:42

      It was! Thank you very much!

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