Ladies in Red: Stylish Monday & linkup party

All ladies in red outfits

It’s the first Monday of the month and that means another episode of Stylish Mondays. The theme this month is Ladies in Red. Perfect theme for the Valentine month! Stylish Monday is created out of a Facebook group of Life and Style bloggers over 50. (sorry Emma) Every month we interpret a theme in our own way, fashionable wise of course. It’s a fun way to be creative with fashion! And to see how other women interpret a theme chosen by someone else. It is a nice fashionable way to create something beautiful with other bloggers. Take a look at how I styled the color.

I am a lady in red, more then I thought!

I had in mind to show a monochrome outfit in red. Because I thought that I almost never wear red. Until I went through  my photos and found out that I have quite some outfits with red. I thought it would be nice to show some of these outfits to you. It turns out that red is not one of my least favorite colors as I always said and thought.  striped skirt with red orange and pink and a red cardigan

One of my favorite skirts of last Summer. A pre-loved Claudia Sträter one.

Dress with red long cardigan and dark pink peeptoes

The long red cardigan with red(ish) peeptoe shoes.

Orange top and red cardigan on a denim culotte

Fabulous combination. Red and orange!

Red wrap dress with floral print

Floral wrap dress in Winter.

Burgundy jacket and ankle boots with burgundy ruffled blouse

Burgundy jacket, also seen with the prairie dress, and lovely burgundy ankle boots.

long red skirt an cropped top

A very bold outfit from last year, over 50 and wearing a cropped top.

Monochrome red outfit

And a total Lady in Red!

What does the color red stands for?

I was a bit surprised to see how much red clothing and accessories I actually have. There is something about red that I don’t like, although I think it looks good on me. I think red looks good on everyone. Red always attracts whether it is clothing, flowers. Look at all the sale signs in shops, red! It’s the color of our heart and of love!

Let’s take a look at all the other Ladies in red and please visit their lovely blogs!

Julie  Fashion Trends and Friends
Michele see_chelestyles
Hilda Over the Hilda
Andrea (Andy) Pearls and Pantsuits
Emma  Style Splash
Suzanne Ask Suzanne Bell
Robin  Hello I’m 50ish
Jess Elegantly Dressed and Stylish

And you can join our linkup too! Visit other bloggers posts  and get to know each other!

Inlinkz Link Party


I would really appreciate it if you would share my post!


    • nancy
      4 February 2019 / 13:10

      Thanks Idu!

  1. 4 February 2019 / 12:31

    Nancy you are stunning in that cropped top! I don’t know many women who can wear one but you most certainly can and look fantastic!

    • nancy
      4 February 2019 / 13:09

      Well thank you very much! I don’t wear it when I just had dinner!

  2. jodie filogomo
    4 February 2019 / 14:52

    You really look great is the bright reds, Nancy!! I’m thinking you should keep it around!!

    • nancy
      5 February 2019 / 13:01

      Thanks Jodie! I think I will as I didn’t even realize I had that much red!

  3. 4 February 2019 / 16:07

    I am in love with Nancy in red, and pink. I love how you mix them together. The combination looks nice. I am in love with all your red from bright to dark ones, pants to dress to shoes.

    You are rocking this lady in red πŸ™‚

    • nancy
      5 February 2019 / 13:00

      Well thank you very much dearest Rama!

    • nancy
      5 February 2019 / 12:59

      Thanks Jess, enjoy your week!

  4. 4 February 2019 / 18:03

    Red is a wonderfull Colour on you Nancy!

    • nancy
      5 February 2019 / 12:59

      Thanks Sonja!

  5. 4 February 2019 / 19:24

    You’re looking lovely in red, Nancy. I particularly love the Claudia StrΓ€ter skirt, the orange top with the red cardigan and that fabulous wrap dress! xxx

    • nancy
      5 February 2019 / 12:58

      Yes the KL wrap dress is my favorite too. I am now discovering Lola&Liza!

    • nancy
      5 February 2019 / 12:57

      Thanks Kathrine!

    • nancy
      5 February 2019 / 12:57

      Thanks Melissa!

  6. 5 February 2019 / 02:47


    I think you can totally rock wearing RED! I love all your styling options and your BOLD crop top! It’s been great collaborating; and I’m looking forward to next month’s theme!

    • nancy
      5 February 2019 / 12:56

      Yes me too, this is a very welcoming group!

  7. 5 February 2019 / 06:08

    You have so many fabulous red pieces Nancy, but you should, it looks fabulous on you! Such great looks, and fun as always to collaborate with you!

    • nancy
      5 February 2019 / 12:56

      Likewise Suzanne!

  8. 5 February 2019 / 06:10

    I love the colour red a lot. Red suits you and I’m loving the outfit with the cropped top and skirt! have a wonderful day, Nancy!

    xo Yvonne

    • nancy
      5 February 2019 / 12:55

      Thank you very much Yvonne!

  9. 5 February 2019 / 08:43

    RED is one of my favorit colors. I like it to wear red dresses in summer and red pens in winter. You are the perfect Lady in red πŸ™‚
    XO Martina from Munich

    • nancy
      5 February 2019 / 12:55

      But you are the Queen Martina!

  10. 5 February 2019 / 15:57

    Nancy all the shades of red seem to suit you. Is there any shade you cannot wear? YouALWAYS LOOK FABULOUS.

    • nancy
      6 February 2019 / 12:12

      Haha, oh there are a lot of things I can’t wear! Thanks Hilda.

  11. Sheila (of Ephemera)
    5 February 2019 / 23:41

    Red has always been one of my favourite colours! It makes me feel cheery and powerful! You look amazing in all of your red outfits, Nancy, as do your cohorts!

    • nancy
      6 February 2019 / 12:05

      Thank you Sheila!

  12. 7 February 2019 / 06:39

    Sooo cute dear! Especially the first one, loving the colors. Also, cute monochrome look in the last one too.
    Jessica |

    • nancy
      7 February 2019 / 13:04

      Thank you Jessica!

  13. 7 February 2019 / 08:48

    Yiu do have a lot of red pieces – and you look lovely in all of them! πŸ™‚

    Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp πŸ™‚

    Hope that you are having a great week so far πŸ™‚ We have had a break with the heat and humidity and had some rain which has been a wonderful relief!

    Away From The Blue Blog

    • nancy
      7 February 2019 / 13:04

      Thanks Mica!

  14. 7 February 2019 / 16:27

    The wrap dress is my favourite!

    • nancy
      8 February 2019 / 13:21

      Mine too!

  15. 7 February 2019 / 16:43

    I don’t wear red a lot, but I do love it when I do wear it! It’s such a vibrant color. I really love red dresses! That color block skirt is so pretty and a lovely statement piece! Love how you styled it.


    • nancy
      8 February 2019 / 13:20

      Thank you very much Carrie!

  16. 9 February 2019 / 23:49

    I love red, Nancy and what a beautiful selection of red outfits πŸ™‚

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays, hope you can join us again at another party soon.

    • nancy
      11 February 2019 / 12:34

      Thanks Claire!

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